Palmer Lake Firefighter Certifications!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020
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11/04/2020  More of your Palmer Lake Firefighters are now certified!

Four of our Palmer Lake Firefighters passed their "Firefighter 1" Certification last week in the Palmer Divide Joint Training Academy. This is a lot more than a weekend course. They have been working on this every weekend for several months, and they have now graduated.

Congratulations to Carolyn Costanzo, Cody Schauer, Clay Knox, and Fernando Hernandez. This means if there is a fire at your house, or in your neighborhood, they are better prepared to fight that fire and ensure minimum damage and maximum safety for us and for themselves. Currently, about 75% of our firefighters are certified. The remaining 25% are all new probationary volunteers and they are already scheduled to attend the Spring Academy in Larkspur. And, in case you were not aware, our firefighters went through the academy for free because our Fire Chief taught a significant portion of the academy classes. Hurray for our firefighters and hurray for our Chief who has made it his personal priority to ensure our firefighters are well trained and ready to protect us in case of an emergency!