Mayor's Message, April 2023

Monday, April 3, 2023
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Mayor Havenar

Dear Palmer Lake Families, 

Our beautiful little mountain town made media waves this month. Fox 21 and the “We are Tri Lakes” campaign was a huge success - spotlighting our area during the third week of March; highlighting stories of local businesses, pillars of the community, and the Town star was a daily reminder of what makes living in Palmer Lake so special. If you didn’t get a chance to see the stories live, please visit this link: and explore the site.  

The Board of Trustees has been busy prioritizing planning, potential grants to assist with design of Main Street improvements, land use code, and future trail connection. On this note, the Board is considering a first initiative for the property at Elephant Rock, which is to connect a trail from Kent St right of way to the Creekside trail and ultimately to join the Elephant Rock property. This trail connection will allow access from the center of Palmer Lake to the property. In addition, the Board has initiated drafting a lease for the development of the eagerly anticipated Eco Spa, reserving a three-acre parcel for a possible public safety facility, and finally taking the necessary steps to begin creating a Master Plan for the entirety of the property, including these areas. 

Direction will be considered for the future of water system improvements in the town as well as initial planning for drainage improvement. We look forward to the results of a water capital and rate analysis and continue to study these issues with GMS, town engineering consultant. We should have some initial answers to the future of water improvements and rates, as well as drainage early in quarter two.

On November 8th Palmer Lake voters approved retail dispensaries by a margin of 55 %.  The ballot language allowed for the two existing marijuana businesses to apply for licenses to expand their operations creating a substantial tax revenue to the town. On April 1st Alpine Essentials and Dead Flowers will be opening their doors to retail marijuana customers. This will make Palmer Lake the second municipality in El Paso County to allow retail marijuana sales.

This Board continues to seek guidance and input from all of you and is committed to prioritizing your concerns. In order to meet the many upcoming planning needs, this Board has agreed to hold an additional monthly workshop, on the first Wednesday of each month. As you may recall, many citizens have asked that the Board of Trustees regular meetings be moved to a later starting time of 6pm, allowing for greater public participation. This will begin with the first regular meeting of April.

“Some-bunny” special is hopping our way on April 8th for an eggs-travagant hunt and some old-fashioned small-town fun! I look forward to seeing you at Village Green at 11am.

I’m sure, like me, you are ready for Spring, planting those first seeds in anticipation of summer growth. Looking forward to seeing everyone out and about as this beautiful snow melts for the season.

As always, please feel free to reach out with questions or comments. “A Moment with the Mayor” is held every Wednesday 2-4pm and Friday 9-11am.

Together we can move mountains,
