Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is comprised of seven citizen members, appointed by the Board of Trustees, for staggered terms of two years. The Planning Commission has authority pursuant to the provision of C.R.S., Title 31, Article 23, Part 2. The Commission makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding land use matters and zoning ordinances. Additionally, the Commission governs the Master/Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Palmer Lake. 

The Planning Commission regularly meets at 5:00 PM on the third Wednesday of each month.  On occasion, the Planning Commission may schedule a workshop for planning and/or public interaction. A quorum is not required for a workshop nor is the proceeding recorded, and no action is taken at a workshop. In the event of no agenda items, the regular meeting may cancel and a notice will be posted on the Calendar and Meetings page.

Current Planning Commission members are listed below. Click on a name to view a profile.