Town of Palmer Lake Master Plan – Subscribe Today!

Monday, December 27, 2021
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A Master Plan (or Comprehensive Plan) is a visionary framework for the Town based on citizen input intended to guide the decisions of the Town Board, Planning Commission and staff. Required by statute, the plan is updated every ten years. That is where we are now.  The Town hired a consultant to guide us through the process of gathering demographics, maps, information regarding the master plans of communities around us and more.

Neighborhood meetings were previously held to gather the topics of interest and concern of Town citizens.  Those topics have been integrated into a survey which will become available after the first of the year.  Why?  It's important to know which topics represent the values of the majority of our population.  We know that the loudest voices don't always represent everyone.  For the next ten years, Town leadership will be making decisions on planning, development, parks, roads, and so much more, and it is important that your vision for the community you call home is represented. 

How can this information be used?  Say, for instance, some of our citizens prefer the small town element of dirt roads in their neighborhoods but others prefer paved.  The staff will have the direction they need to budget and plan accordingly.  Say one of our neighborhoods would like a park.  If we can say a major percentage of the residents in that neighborhood have expressed that need, it would be great data to add to an application for grant funds.  There are many examples but the bottom line is - we need to know what people want.  The survey will assist to make these wants measurable.

Please tell your friends and neighbors to sign up for the newsletter – go to Town website and choose “subscribe” at the top.  This is the means in which you will receive the invitation to take the survey.  And when you get the invitation by email, please take a few minutes to complete it.  In the past, a few hundred people set the course for a few thousand.  Let's make sure more voices are heard!

Watch for the survey (coming in January) and make your vision for Palmer Lake part of our future!